
Check the services available in your nearest branch


Buy and sell currencies

You can exchange your currency to Euros in all 48 branches Eurochange currently has. Moreover, you can also exchange your Euros to 60 different currencies in our offices.

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Reserve your currencies

You can place a reservation online or by phone, and your money will be available at your nearest branch on the scheduled date.

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Old, broken, or exotic currencies

We exchange all currencies that banks do not accept, out of circulation and in any state of deterioration, from anywhere in the world.

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Planet Tax Free

With over 30 years of experience, Planet Payment is one of the world's leading TaxFree companies, providing international buyers with easy, fast and reliable VAT refund and dynamic currency conversion services.

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Card payment service

If you need to exchange money but you don’t have any cash on you, some of our branches provide credit or debit card payment. Check the nearest one.

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Buy or reserve your currencies online

Conveniently buy or reserve your currency through our website and collect them in 24-48 hours.

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Western Union

Send and receive money through Western Union services. Check the available branches.

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VAT refund or Tax-Free

The Innova Tax-Free and Travel Tax Free services will refund the taxes you paid in Spain before you leave the country.

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Money transfers

Make your money transfers from or to Spain on an easy and fast way thanks to Currencies Direct services. Get a quote online now.

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Currency Buy Back service

Return your leftover currencies from your trip at the same rate you paid for them. We will refund up to 30% of what you bought within 30 calendar days.

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VIP customer service loyalty

If you are a loyalty customer, enjoy our new VIP telephone service.

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Nickel Bank

To pay and collect : shop at any store or online, make and receive transfers, domicile payments... No minimums, no conditions, no paperwork. Simple and fast.

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Bitbase ATMs Cryptocurrencies

The simplest and safest way to buy or sell bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

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Our Offices

Find your nearest money exchange shop now and get the best rates with Eurochange

Our Offices

Find your nearest money exchange shop now and get the best rates with Eurochange

How much money do I need to exchange for my trip?

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